“In times of radical change, the learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves perfectly equipped for a world that no longer exists." - Philosopher Eric Hoffer
In 2019, Ian Jukes and Ryan L. Schaff wrote a thoughtful book titled the Brief History of the Future of Education: Learning in the Age of Disruption. In the delivery of their thinking they highlighted why educators must adapt and how mindsets impede learning. In the forward, Steve Wozniak said “We grow up with assumptions about how the modern world works…. And then, just like that, things change---quickly----and a lot!” As we think about his message, he challenges us to think about change, the need to adapt, and of course marking how hard it is to actually change.
It is no surprise to educators that our educational system still reflects the intended factory model that it was designed for, the question is why hasn’t this changed, and why does it still exist in this mode? As school districts re-define modern learning key adaptivity questions can be helpful: Who are we? Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this, this way? Whose needs are being met? Adaptive schools ask these types of questions. In fact, I personally found placing these questions on agendas and positing in meeting rooms to serve as a conscious reminder and point of focused reflection in our collaborative work. In fact, it helped us become an “Adaptive School.”
So what is an “Adaptive School”? An adaptive school is neither a place, nor a program, neither a leader nor a structure. Rather, it is the application of two lenses, one for “things” and one for “energy” to examine learning and the organic systems in which it thrives. Central to these lenses is a dual focus held by leaders—leaders not just in the traditional sense of assigned authority – but including those passionate enough to step forward and lead from any role when conditions favor such emergence. These dual perspectives might be found in a grade level group, a department, a cross disciplinary team, a school or entire district (Garmston and Wellman, 2016). How are leaders addressing things and energy in your system as you change and adapt?
As you think about the things and energy in your system, what opportunities will you embrace in this adaptive and ever-changing environment?
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