New York State Fall Leadership Summit: Monday, September 19, 2022

Innive K12 360° is excited to be attending the 2022 New York State Council of School Superintendents’ Fall Leadership Summit! 

We’ll see you at booth #84 in the exhibit hall on Monday, September 19 at the Saratoga Springs Hilton. Stop by to see how Innive K12 360° analytics and data services can help your district. 

Plus: hear from our CEO, Gautham Sampath, at the Amazon Web Services Panel Discussion!

When: Monday, September 19, 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Where: Saratoga Hilton – Room: Broadway 3 and 4

What: Join us to learn how AWS is working to support K12 Education in some new and innovative ways! Our panelists will include a NYS K12 School District Leader, and several AWS Educational Technology Partners. You’ll hear how one BOCES has been successful in providing more students with access to STEM & CTE programs that are typically limited to in-school instruction.   An AWS Partner will also share how they are helping to address the student mental health crisis through their Mental Health Hotline solution for K12 School Districts. And you will also learn how data and analytics has evolved to support more than just real-time access to data by adding Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning solutions (AI/ML). This addition evolves our data-based actions to better support students.

Learn more about how Innive K12 360° leverages the power of AWS.